让AudioPlayerAgent支持动态播放列表(Windows Phone)

最近做的是有关背景音乐播放(调用系统播放器)的活儿,其中牵扯到Microsoft.Phone.BackgroundAudio.BackgroundAudioPlayer播放本地或远程音频时候的播放列表改动问题。如果希望播放系统Music + Videos中存储的音乐,那么直接在UI利用Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media传递和播放音乐即可。但如果是BackgroundAudioPlayer和AudioPlayerAgent就不太好办。

可能有人会说这种问题还用得着单写一篇文章吗,AudioPlayerAgent当然支持动态列表了。但很可惜MSDN的官方How-To的例子就是硬编码的列表(还是本地音频),不然也不会在App Hub Forum上出现这样的问题(12)。


  • IsolatedStorageSettings
  • 静态方法或属性(作为BackgroundAgent,实例化它没有意义)
  • IsolatedStorageFile


上面提到的那个帖子中,一位微软员工Mark Chamberlain给出的方案也是如此(全文请看原帖):

This is how I did it:
In background audio agent code:
OnUserAction.Play/SkipNext/SkipPrevious: Check if BackgroundAudioPlayer.Instance.Track == null, if yes then load playlist from IsoStorage into m_playlist and start playing first track, if no then play current/next/previous song from m_playlist
In the album viewmodel code (each time a user selects an album a new viewmodel gets created for this app):
Another developer who reviewed this suggested that instead of calling ..Instance.Close(), which also releases all the background audio resources, a better approach is to set BackgroundAudioPlayer.Instance.Track = null, which stops and clears, but keeps the background resources allocated.



protected override void OnUserAction(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, UserAction action, object param) {
    var allTracks = TrackManager.GetAllTracks();
    _playList = new List();
    foreach ( TrackItem trackItem in allTracks ) {
            new AudioTrack( null, trackItem.Title, trackItem.Album, null, null, trackItem.Url, EnabledPlayerControls.Pause ) );
